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Programming Topics


Programming topics to cover

  1. Analysis of algorithm
  2. Sorting algorithm
    1. Selection sort
    2. Bubble sort
    3. Insertion sort
    4. Merge sort
    5. Heap sort
    6. Quicksort
  3. Searching algorithm
    1. Linear search
    2. Binary search
  4. Greedy algorithm
    1. Activity selection
    2. Kruskal's minimum spanning tree
    3. Huffman coding
    4. Prim's minimum spanning tree
    5. Dijkstra's shortest path
    6. Job sequencing
  5. Dynamic algorithm
    1. Overlapping subproblem
    2. Longest common subsequence
    3. 0-1 Knapsack problem
    4. Longest palindromic substring
  6. Pattern search algorithm
    1. Rabin-karp
  7. String algorithm
    1. Manacher's algorithm
  8. Backtracking
    1. The knight's tour
    2. N queen
    3. Hamiltonian cycle
    4. Sudoku
  9. Divide and conquer
  10. Geometric algorithm
  11. Mathematical algorithm
  12. Bit algorithm
  13. Graph algorithm
  14. Randomized algorithm
  15. Branch and bound